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Artificial Intelligence ( ai )And COVID-19

COVID-19, the fierce pandemic, brought extra-additional struggle to our overwhelmed healthcare systems;

forced billions of people to stay at home as a part of the social-distancing strategy.

Remarkably, we shall remember such days for decades from now.

In line with the uncontrollable spread of the addressed pandemic that is affecting an exceeding number of countries daily , and more people as well; governments around the globe are taking drastic measures to curb the inflation.

Scientists , meanwhile, are attempting to beat the time in order to find an effective vaccine. However, a hidden factor is supporting their battle; Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19

How does Artificial Intelligence ( ai ) help to curb the inflation ?

The answer could be divided into several points discussed briefly in charting viral territories:

Data is filtered to provide the public with an understanding of the outbreak situation using transparent data sources. There are also more examples.

● Microsoft also launched interactive Bing map 2, this tool is pulling data from a collection of sources including the CDC, the WHO, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and Wikipedia.

It provides detailed data about the number of active, recovered and fatal cases globally and country wise, and has the advantage of listing related news.

However, it might not be posting the most timely updates like some reports, but can still serve to provide general information.


The Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University launched one such online dashboard 1 collecting data from various trusted sources. It allows users to easily visualize and track data on mortality, recovery and spread rates globally and of certain countries.

● As listed by MIT Technology Review, that provides more technical details or are specific to certain countries, but the aforementioned ones are those we found more concise and user-friendly.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) map Data comes from Wikipedia, and cases are constantly updated from resources around the world. Daily-situation reports are also available on the World Health Organization site.

Worldmeter is a reference website that provides counters and real-time statistics for diverse topics. It is owned and operated by a data company, Dadax, which generates revenue online.

A.I. is not used only to track the disease, but to help diagnose, cure and prevent the viral spread as well.

Detecting pneumonia on a scan confirms a person has the disease besides helping staff diagnose, isolate, and treat patients more quickly. Developed software can identify typical or partial signs of Covid-19.

Doctors can then follow up with other examinations and lab tests to confirm a diagnosis of the disease.

A new algorithm developed by the Renmin University of Wuhan can detect COVID-19 infections from CT scan with 96% accuracy rates.

Robots are also designed to assist doctors to take vitals of a patient infected with the COVID-19 so as to help minimize exposure and risk of infection.

They could communicate via a screen on the robot and has a stethoscope to take the patient’s vitals.

Google’s DeepMind has predicted the structure of the virus’s proteins— information that helps in developing new drugs and accelerates vaccine production.

Owners of Wearables from companies like Apple, Fitbit and Garmin, Participants can download the apps like detect study and share data about their heart rate, sleep and activity levels, as well as respiratory symptoms, medications, electronic health- record data and results from a flu, Covid-19 test.

Smart watches also have a watch face that reminds you of regularly washing your hands as well as not to touch your face.

Lack of equipment due to overwhelming numbers of cases creates new ideas such as snorkeling mask as c-pap mask for oxygen therapy.

Finally AI will not stop helping to beat the virus.


https://www.isinnova.it/easy-covid19-eng/ https://www.bing.com/covid/local/unitedarabemirates

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