Science News

Here are 10 early-career scientists you should know about in 2023

How do we adapt to climate change? Can we fight back against Alzheimer’s disease? What will it take to build a more equitable society? The researchers on this year’s SN 10: Scientists to Watch list are tackling slices of these and other grand challenges.

For the eighth year, Science News is recognizing 10 early- and mid-career scientists who have innovative ideas and unique skill sets — and are applying their talents to shape our future and our understanding of ourselves. But they aren’t doing it alone. Each credits parents, mentors and colleagues with inspiring their success. Many emphasize the power of collaboration, the value of other perspectives and the importance of mentoring the next generation of scientists. Speaking of the future, if you know someone who belongs on the next SN 10 list, send their name, affiliation and a few sentences about their work to — Elizabeth Quill, Executive Editor

Courtesy of D. Blanco-Melo

Daniel Blanco-Melo

Daniel Blanco-Melo puzzles out how ancient pathogens have shaped human history and evolution.

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Erinn Springer

Róisín Commane

Róisín Commane sleuths out greenhouse gas leaks to fight climate change.

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Magdalene College, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Daphne Martschenko

Daphne Martschenko is a champion for ethical, inclusive genomics research.

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Nolan Zunk/The University of Texas at Austin

Julian Muñoz

Julian Muñoz has a ‘ruler’ that could size up the early universe.

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Jimmy Day, MIT Media Lab

Deblina Sarkar

Deblina Sarkar is building microscopic machines to enter our brains.

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Blake Eligh/University of Toronto

Lauren Schroeder

Lauren Schroeder looks beyond natural selection to rethink human evolution.

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Courtesy of Q. Smith

Quinton Smith

Quinton Smith builds lab-made organs with tools from Silicon Valley.

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Melanie Gonick

Clara Sousa-Silva

Clara Sousa-Silva seeks out signatures of life in alien atmospheres.

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Emily Walker

Berkley Walker

Berkley Walker wants to revamp photosynthesis for a changing climate.

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M. Weber

Marjorie Weber

Marjorie Weber explores plant-protecting ants and other wonders of evolution.

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Science News

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