Science News

50 years ago, scientists warned of the ‘neglected dangers’ of heat islands

Neglected dangers of thermal pollution Science News, October 20, 1973

Most urban dwellers have experienced the swelter of a summer night in the city, but higher temperatures in the atmosphere over such “heat islands” may have more insidious effects, which urban planners seldom consider.… Urban-rural temperature differences can be as high as 18 degrees [Fahrenheit].


Today, excess heat from pavement and buildings cause U.S. cities to run half a degree to 4 degrees Celsius (1 to 7 degrees F) higher on average than outlying areas. This heat island effect is expected to worsen as a side effect of climate change. Because urban areas are expanding, that means their growing populations are at risk for heat-related illness or death, scientists reported in 2019 in Environmental Research Letters. To stay cool, some cities are switching to roofs and surfaces that reflect a lot of sunlight and heat. Adding trees helps too: Trees provide shade and emit water vapor that lowers air temperature, almost like if a city could sweat (SN: 4/14/18, p. 18).

Science News

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